Points to Live and Appreciate Life

The most important thing I've analyzed in my life that once you take your life in your own hands and control it the way you want it to be, you tend to cherish it more rather than relying it on someone else. 
There's one of the famous quotes I admire the most and it says: 
"Take life in your own hands and what happens? A terrible thing: no one to blame" 
Taking life in our own hands also implies that we are accountable for our deeds. We need to get up and be checked. Nobody else is going to pay attention to our goals and objectives as we will, so best we steer in our grasp. 
So get up, embrace yourself today, prepare yourself a checklist for your daily tasks and get them done.


Life itself speaks for the change which is, to me, a necessary thing to opt. It can neither be good always nor remains bad forever. The thing is that we need to get our hold on the circumstances. It surely makes your confidence grow, boost up your maturity level, gives you the direction of right and wrong and ultimately takes your life one step ahead. 
Change is basically not regarding a specific event or thing or a person, but it can be the medley of all. You just need to know how to tune it rightly. 😉


Human mind changes with the age and obviously its functionality transitions are inevitable as well. This is one of the most feared things as it may disrupts your body's balance as well. Though, cognitive impairment can be altered if we perform the following healthy tasks to keep ourselves motivated. 
  • Get mental stimulation by practicing good hobbies like book reading, painting, writing, sports etc.
  • Do physical exercise to keep your body healthy and Body Mass Index (BMI) balanced.
  • Improve your diet by consuming required quantity of carbs, fats, proteins, fibers and essential minerals and salts.
  • Improve your blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and drink 8 glasses of water/day.
  • Maintain balance in terms of Emotional Quotient (EQ), Spiritual Quotient (SQ),  Intelligence Quotient (IQ), and Physical Quotient (PQ).


We perform multiple tasks throughout the day, but many of us fail to sort them on the basis of priority. We perform several roles in our daily routine i.e as a mother, a father, a daughter, a son, an employee or a businessman. These roles depends upon what you consider as a priority and what tasks must be done urgently or later. Your awareness regarding each role and your priority lets you balance everything in your daily routine. 

Dwight Eisenhower, the decorated army general and president of United States, invented this 4 Quadrants of time management matrix. You need to prioritize your tasks according to your roles and time as: 
  • For the matters that are important and urgent
  • For the matters that are important but not urgent
  • For the matters that are unimportant but urgent
  • Lastly the matters that are neither important nor urgent
4 Quadrants of Time Management Matrix by Dwight Eisenhower
