Dry Skin Remedies

Due to the current situation of pandemic, everyone’s life has been changed drastically. Our activities have been paused. Thus, alongside the adjustment in current daily practice, we have to change our skincare routine as well. Now a days, we cannot look up to the salons and book our appointments for our favorite skin facial along with manicure and pedicure. So, it definitely calls the need to work on DIY skincare techniques.

Fortunately, there's no compelling reason to spend huge amounts of money on any otherworldly strategies or costly creams to accomplish a perfect skin. The following article shares the key points that will surely help you to take care of your skin during this lock-down.

1.       Drink a lot of water:

The first and foremost remedy to overcome your dry skin is through the basic ingredient which is surely water. We certainly neglect the elementary steps to reach to our specific goal. Let us consider the basic science behind our skin’s biology.

Our skin’s superficial part or layer is called as Epidermis which consists of 30% of water. When this water content of our epidermis gets below 10%, it leads to the problem of dry skin. It will surely become dull and itchy. So, its time to get started with this fundamental ingredient. Drink a lot of water to retain your natural moisturizing factor (NMF) of your skin.


2.       Washing your face frequently with the use of aloe Vera:

People may not only face dry skin problems during winter season, but some also suffer them during summers as well. The probable reasons leading to dry skin are certainly humidity, exposure to the sun, excess transpiration from our dermis cells and sweating.

So, you need to grab an affordable skin soap or the aloe Vera face wash which will surely help your skin to regain the moisture and hydrated content from the natural ingredient. Make up a habit of washing your face three to four times a day. This won't just keep your skin refreshed yet in addition kill your sluggishness during the current lazy routine of lock-down.


3.       Moisturizing your skin:

The existing lock-down calls for washing your hands and face frequently during the day. Thus moisturizing your hands and face after washing them is also necessary. There is no need to rush after those expensive skin moisturizers. The best and affordable moisturizer you can easily get at home is milk. Raw milk is fundamentally rich is vitamin-B, calcium, and potent antioxidants which nourishes your skin cells from deep within and keep your skin moisturized all the day.

Moreover, you can also use your favorite and regular skin and body lotion which you use in routine.


4.       Don’t forget to Exfoliate your skin:

Our body not only produces millions of cells each day, but also kills many of the aged cells that may hang around leaving the skin looking sullen. Exfoliating means to remove the dead cells from our skin pores so that it can breathe. It helps to rejuvenate our skin and surely keeps it healthy. Scrubs help us with this. 

You can use the easy DIY techniques and can prepare an inexpensive scrub at home. All you need is coffee grounds, oil, and sea salt. Mix them well and scrub your face with it. Doing this at least twice a week can give you required results.


5.       Don’t use a lot of makeup products on your skin:

Our social interaction, now a days has been ceased to utmost. Our hangouts, social and official meetings are lessened due to the social distancing criteria being included in the major SOPs of lock-down. So, staying at home means you are probably avoiding applying tons of makeup products over your skin that leads to its dryness.

You’re surely getting an extra time exploring yourself. In this way, begin carrying on with your existence with the natural things as much as could reasonably be expected.


6.       Get yourself a good diet:

The diet is the best thing one can opt for an obvious change within your body. Good diet is even more effective than spending hours doing exercise. According to the research being done, more than 80% of the people globally have shifted to natural and healthy diet that maybe in the form of fresh fruits, juices, green vegetables, proteins and calcium leaving behind the weekend’s fast foods.

Healthy diet, indeed, calls for a healthy metabolism and healthy metabolism ultimately leads to body’s good immune system, thus, fighting with the prevailing germs easily.  It will help you to withstand the dry skin problems and boosts up your body’s defense mechanism.


7.       Sleep Smarter:

We all are well aware that a normal human body functioning needs a minimum of 6-8 hours of sleep which means that our facial skin interacts with the pillow cases for this span of the day. It rubs of millions of dead skin cells from our face that may hang around your skin and makes it look dull, when you wake up. Most of the skin cells also rest over the pillow and stick with your face when you sleep again. Hence, use silk pillow cases for it glides and prevents your skin from breaking.


8.       Avoid direct heat exposure:

Your skin doesn’t only get damaged when you expose it directly to the sun. There are many activities inside the home that produces and emits ultra violent rays and other radioactive particles that may prove harmful for your skin gradually. For instance, the heat from the cooking stove, microwaves and oven and in fact from your electronic devices which emit radio waves. It’s, therefore recommended to use UV blocks or sun protection creams that will surely prevent your skin to come in direct contact which the devices and won’t let it get dry.


9.       Use of natural ingredients from plants:

Natural ingredients isolated from the plants increases fibroblasts proliferation which is also the repairing of the tissue cells present underneath your skin. Dry skin issues may often lead to breaking and peeling of the skin from your body. These tissues are responsible for generating connective tissues and allows its recovery.

The natural ingredients like Aloe Vera, cocoa and vanilla etc. do contain the tissue recovery substances. The blend or sole use of these ingredients also shows a significant level of synergy in enhancing the proliferation of adult skin cells. This can prove as one of the most common treatments for the dry skin issues.


10  Use of essential oils:

We are probably neglecting the use of essential oils during our stay at home. It causes the rupturing of the skin from several spots because our body relays on these as well. Some of the essential oils include:

·         Sunflower seed oil which may improve hydration when applied on the skin in desired amount.

·         Another natural oil that works well to treat dry skin is coconut oil. A 2014 study found that coconut oil is as safe and effective as petroleum jelly for treating dry skin. It was found to significantly improve skin hydration and increase the number of lipids (fats) on the surface of the skin.


1    Use of Honey:

One of the best and easily available ingredient for skin purposes is honey which haven’t showed any of the side effects if used with any natural ingredient for the treatment of the skin issues. It’s beneficial for every skin type.

Various studies show that honey helps in:

                                                   ·         Moisturizing

                                                   ·         Healing

                              ·         Anti-inflammatory diseases of your skin.

 The above following qualities show that honey is proved as the best home remedy for the treatment of bad skin issues. Use of cucumber along with honey is also extremely beneficial.


Hope you find my article helpful. Stay at home, stay hydrated and moisturize you skin as much as you can. J
